Sunday, May 10, 2009

He Did It! He Paid A Credit Card Off!

Actually, I did it. He hates the budget. But, he knows it makes me happy, and it was part of our deal. Three months of budget and then we can discuss his debt his way.

But, here's a kicker for you fellow budget-freaks and penny pinchers: I've managed to funnel away enough money to pay off a credit card that will start incurring interest in October. I am hoping that his hours will continue to be plentiful and I can build his savings up and pay off that card, plus another one, I have just a few short weeks left.

DH is not that excited. He just shrugs it off. He said it's not a big deal since the payment was only $17.00...but in my eyes...$17.00 more to stash towards the next debt and one less credit card to worry about.

PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! My dear husband, irregardless of your stubborness and your lack of enthusiasm for paying off debt, I am quite proud of you.

1 comment:

Angela Sulik said...

Congrads!!!!! Awesome job. You should be very proud of yourself and call Dave this Friday with your wonderful news. I'll be listening. :)

Side-note: Thanks so much for your posts to my blog. You help me keep on truckin' - especially today. I wish you were going to SLC so that we could meet.