Saturday, June 6, 2009

*Life* Update & Printable Coupons

*Update* My life has changed. We are officially a one-income family. The unfortunate part is that it was unplanned, and it is the smaller income that we are going to be living off of. I have reviewed our budget, canceled a few things, limited expenses, and we will be selling things off. The job search has begun and we are exploring a few options that may be available to us.

So, you may be seeing a lot more posts about coupons and freebies. I hope that we all benefit from this change in my life.

So, without further delay - the First Coupon: $1.00 off Hostess Donettes! I love these things and now that summer is here, they will fit in perfect to that certain little girl's lunch box who needs to be transported to and from art camp during the next month.

Second: Kraft Macaroni & Cheese - Buy 3 get 1 Free! At Wal-Mart they have these for $0.50 - so you can get 4 for $1.50, try and print 2 for 8 boxes at $3.00.

Remember - these coupons are available to everyone that has a computer and a printer. Some coupon links have a Help link towards the bottom. If you click on this tab, there may be an option to also have the coupon mailed to you. If you are interested in a coupon, you need to act quickly. There are many people who are also looking to save money and with the media giving away our formerly secret links to hot deals and coupons, I am sure these things won't last long.

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