Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Birthday and Halloween Stamp-a-Stack

So, I just realized that I have approximately 8 minutes before this site shuts down on me. But, who knows when I will be able to get back on here...so here goes.

In mid-September (for Tina's birthday) I went to a Birthday Stamp-A-Stack with about 12 other women. IT WAS GREAT. Lots of different types of people, lots of good food, and lots of fun. We made some really cute cards and I totally enjoyed myself. I also won a door prize (a brand new set of stamps)!

Just this past weekend I got together with my girlfriend that eloped recently and went back over to Tina's for a Halloween Event. We only made two different cards, but we also made treat bags of different varieties. Really cute.

After speaking with DH practically NON-STOP since going to the Birthday Stamp-A-Stack, I have convinced him to help fund my newest addiction in the form of BECOMING A DEMONSTRATOR!!! I'm really excited but must save some money. Let us not forget my original intention of becoming DEBT FREE!!! I have revised my budget for crafting purposes and have a small "allowance" to work with on a monthly basis. Which means that I have been selling stuff left and right to earn more money for my projects.

AUGH!!! One minute reminder!! Must go. Will post my photos as soon as possible.


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