Wednesday, March 3, 2010



I'm laying in bed an hour and a half before I have to wake up, wondering if my head will explode this afternoon.

Monday I had a terrible migraine and was reduced to a useless blob laying in the bathtub, begging for the pain to go away.

Tuesday I came home early, worrying DH since I only leave work in case of emergency. I tried to make a list of potential triggers and new foods - nothing! We have a weekly menu and very rarely do we fall off track. Children tend to run rampant when there is a small deviation in their program, something I try to avoid at all costs! The only change in my life are some new staff members in the office...something that is actually a small relief in my life.

I am taking an over-the-counter medication and will attempt to make my mark on the day...if I can just go back to sleep!

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