It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. I had to hurry up and get my May challenge cards completed, think of some ideas on how to do June's, last days of school, graduations, a family bar-b-que...a couple of big cases at work...LIFE.
I hope all is well with you. Summer heat is here in California - we have had streaks of triple digit weather! The pool is nice, the grass is green, I got a great deal on popsickles at Wal-Mart, LIFE is GOOD.
Since it's near the end of the month, don't forget to check out your coupon sites and print off whatever you can, new coupons come out on the first. Also, Stampin' Up! has only two more days (today and tomorrow) of the Buy 3 Get 1 Free offer for their Designer Paper and Textured Cardstock. I am now taking preorders for the new catalog, so hurry up and make sure I get your order before they run out and are on backorder! Also, Monday is the first day of the Last Chance list - make sure you check it out and get what you wanted before it's no longer available. SU! is running some a great deal in June and I cannot wait to share it with you!
I had a great shopping trip at Wal-Mart on Monday. Should have taken a picture of everything I bought, but got busy with rushing to put it all away and get the kids in the pool before it got dark was a major priority. The deal? $54.16 was my original total. After a FAT STACK of coupons...$19.87!!!! I had so many $1.00 off coupons, so many price matching ads, IT WAS GREAT!! Now, I know I upset the cashier, and the manager that I made her call in to assist her. I would apologize but really, it was an instructional moment and the family behind me DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD USE COUPONS AT WAL-MART!!! Now they know. Apparently, when you price match, the cashier has to manually enter the price rather than just quickly scan an item. What should have been a quick and easy 3 minute ring up for her, turned into 15 minutes. And she glared, mouthed words worthy of Palmolive, even the manager grit her teeth and objected - lucky for me I ALWAYS carry a copy of the store's coupon policy. So, the Nair Shower product (I found it too time consuming and razors would be cheaper -great for a person that does not have kids that poke their fingers under the bathroom door and ask every 30 seconds if you're sure you cleaned your bootie...) that was originally $5.69 - I got it price matched at $3.99 (thanks Longs/CVS!) and I had a $1.00 off coupon...actually, three. So that worked. Kraft had $1.00 off coupons for their bar-b-que sauce, and since it was $.98, I got an extra $.02 to carry over to whatever else I bought...and I had 4 of those (LOL - FREE BAR-B-QUE SAUCE!!) Kool-Aid was at $.20 a packet, and I had a local grocery ad that showed 10/$1.00 sale - and I had the $.50 off coupon for 10, so I bought 20...and used 2 coupons. The list goes on...Vaseline Cocoa butter lotion price matched and $1.00 off coupon, Tylenol, sugar, Oreos, Hot Dogs...we haven't eaten "junk food" for a few weeks because of our grocery budget, but let me tell you...the deals were worth it. And my kids were happy. I told my husband about it. He laughed. When he finally got home on Thursday and he seen all the Kool-Aid, bar-b-que sauce, chips, cookies, and sodas, he was amazed.
Lastly, I must share with you Dave Ramsey's Town Hall for Hope. It's available on (FREE TV!) right now and I highly recommend it. There are so many doomsday people out there right now, the media, for sure, is certainly keeping people lost and depressed. Maybe you have a friend or family member being effected. Maybe you. I know I have friends and family that are falling into the media's frenzy about what is currently going on in this world. But, I am choosing not to listen. I have decided to not to participate in the negativity around me. I choose to live a positive life, and hopefully to help others see a light, if even through a pinhole. That is why I choose to clip coupons and scour papers for ads that are relevant to my family. It is why I choose to listen to Dave, and it is why I recommend watching Town Hall for Hope. You will see and hear the facts that he has to share, and hopefully, get a glimpse at a different version of today. It is almost two hours, but you can turn it on and do the dishes while you listen; I cleaned out my purse and folded laundry. And I learned from it.
If anything you take from my blog - I hope that you find hope, peace, silliness, maybe a smile. I choose to make cards to try and put a glimpse of happiness into someone's life. And it's a therapy for me, time where I can create and inspire myself. Yes, I promote Stampin' Up!, and yes, I sell it. But if you ask me, I will tell you if there is a better deal out there. Stampin' Up! is about inspiring, creating, and helping. All things I believe in. I choose to promote Dave Ramsey because I know what his teachings have done for me. I choose to clip coupons, scour ads, participate in pay-to-clicks, surveys and mystery shopping because I want to make sure that I'm doing right by my family...paying off debt, saving, and teaching how to be prepared for a future.
"This is the only chance you will ever have on earth with this exciting adventure called life. So why not plan it, and try to live it as richly, as happily as possible?" Dale Carnegie
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
New Catalog & Last Chance Offers!
Some very BIG changes are going on at SU! right now...they are getting ready to put out the new annual catalog (available July 1st!) and will also post their Last Chance List (June 1st) for products that will no longer be available in the new catalog.
The Deal? Pre-Order your catalog with me for $10.00 and you will receive free shipping. Contact me directly with your request and I will ship the catalog to you as soon as it is available. I will accept checks and money orders (if your local, CA$H always works!) With the anticipation of the catalog, there will be some delays, your best bet to get your catalog quickly is to pre-order.
The Last Chance List: This will be made available on June 1st. You can always check it out through my SU! Link, but of course I will be posting it as well. Don't forget that the list will be updated as the items are sold. The early buyers will get first choice at the items so don't delay!
The Deal? Pre-Order your catalog with me for $10.00 and you will receive free shipping. Contact me directly with your request and I will ship the catalog to you as soon as it is available. I will accept checks and money orders (if your local, CA$H always works!) With the anticipation of the catalog, there will be some delays, your best bet to get your catalog quickly is to pre-order.
The Last Chance List: This will be made available on June 1st. You can always check it out through my SU! Link, but of course I will be posting it as well. Don't forget that the list will be updated as the items are sold. The early buyers will get first choice at the items so don't delay!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
He Did It! He Paid A Credit Card Off!
Actually, I did it. He hates the budget. But, he knows it makes me happy, and it was part of our deal. Three months of budget and then we can discuss his debt his way.
But, here's a kicker for you fellow budget-freaks and penny pinchers: I've managed to funnel away enough money to pay off a credit card that will start incurring interest in October. I am hoping that his hours will continue to be plentiful and I can build his savings up and pay off that card, plus another one, I have just a few short weeks left.
DH is not that excited. He just shrugs it off. He said it's not a big deal since the payment was only $17.00...but in my eyes...$17.00 more to stash towards the next debt and one less credit card to worry about.
PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! My dear husband, irregardless of your stubborness and your lack of enthusiasm for paying off debt, I am quite proud of you.
But, here's a kicker for you fellow budget-freaks and penny pinchers: I've managed to funnel away enough money to pay off a credit card that will start incurring interest in October. I am hoping that his hours will continue to be plentiful and I can build his savings up and pay off that card, plus another one, I have just a few short weeks left.
DH is not that excited. He just shrugs it off. He said it's not a big deal since the payment was only $17.00...but in my eyes...$17.00 more to stash towards the next debt and one less credit card to worry about.
PPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!! My dear husband, irregardless of your stubborness and your lack of enthusiasm for paying off debt, I am quite proud of you.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day!
I hope that your day went as well as can be expected.
As a mom, I've learned not to have a lot of expectations for this "holiday". Someone still has to cook, someone still has to do laundry, someone has to clean the kitchen...and apparently I'm the only one that knows how to do anything like that.
But today, today was different. I woke up to my daughter telling me it was time to wake up, I needed to go to the kitchen right away. A statement like that...and I wonder what is wrong. Do I need to hurry? No, put your robe on. Okay. So whatever it is already is the whole gallon of milk that is probably done spilling, and is just spreading to somewhere unreachable. Or, how about my son cutting his bangs...because he learned to snip with the scissors. Yeah, I'm not taking my time.
But when I get there...I see a camera flash and see the kitchen table. My craft stuff is neatly stacked to the side, and there on the end is a stack of french toast, bowls of plain scrambled eggs and eggs scrambled with potatoes and bell peppers. A pot of coffee, juice, and syrup all lined up. The table is made; plates and silverware, napkins even.
A wonderful surprise. Breakfast, a cute card, and a new set of dishes. Very pleasing.
Here is a card that I learned how to make...the flower pot card. I got the instructions from Stephanie Luman. I used my Sizzix Daisy #2 Die...pretty cute. I sent this one to my mom. Hope you like it!
Learning to Sew...
So a few months ago I ordered a Janome Sew Mini while it was on sale...and I even got free shipping (hello deal!)...and it's been sitting so sadly in its box since it came.
I have no experience with sewing machines...I sew by hand...needle and thread only, no feet, no peddle, no spindle or crazy sounds.
My friend Charmaine came over to try and teach me how to use this great piece of equipment. Mind you, I said try to teach me.
After much laughing and a few miss-steps...we started on our mission for the day.
Here is her zigzag stitch...
Here is my straight stitch, and then I learned how to go back...(thank goodness!)
Ah, oh well. I will learn through practice and get better.
Here is a card I put together for my mom - I tried to use some elements from Flight of the Butterfly to draw out the stitching...but, I may be re-defining the wrong spot.
The point is, my little sewing machine is no longer in the box...but sitting on the kitchen table...surrounded by paper and other embellishments...WATCH OUT!! I do promise to improve!
Flight of the Butterfly

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
For Tomorrow's Lunch...
Tomorrow I am having lunch with a girlfriend I have not seen for probably the better part of a year. We used to be great friends, going to dinner, eating lunch, planning her wedding, giggling at work. But once I left for my current job, and had my health issues...we kind of dripped and dragged on. Life happens. But, we met up not too long ago and talked, if ever so briefly, and want to stay in touch.
I am quite excited for our lunch. We have a lot to catch up's been almost a year since she's been married and I'm sure life has changed completely for her.
I made her a card, hopefully to brighten up her desk at work...and to show her that I do have a bright, optimistic side (we do have a lot to catch up on...). I finally got to put my Stamping Bella order to use and pulled out the Agnes much FUN! I must say though, those Hero Art rhinestones are currently my most favorite accessory...although, they are quite hard to handle, especially for me (note to self Mom, use TWEEZERS!!). *Side Story* Mom and I have issues with our right hands...nerve damage. So, for the most's kind of like we are working with mittens on. Quite funny, to picture it...but honestly, very frustrating. And sometimes, after stamping for a short time, very painful. Squeezing punches is an issue; tying bows? Virtually impossible. Cutting out images? Something might be missing from the original if you look closely...but still, we both enjoy crafting. Looking through our various catalogs and scouring blogs together while on the phone is like sitting right next to her, even though she is hundreds of miles away. I am so glad I finally got the hang of paper crafting.
Anywho, way off the map's a picture of the card I made...hope you enjoy! I embossed images from Seeing Spots with clear embossing powder to create a decorative background...I don't have any bright colored DSP, yet!
Paper: Pink Passion, Glorious Green, YoYo Yellow and Lovely Lilac
Ink: Basic Black and Versa Mark
Stamps: Stamping Bella's Agnes Ketto ("hello" was part of a phrase from a lonely sentiment stamp with no label...), Seeing Spots
Accessories: Clear Embossing Powder, Round Tab punch, Scallop Edge punch, Hero Arts Gemstones, Crystal Stickles and Blender Pens
Teacher Appreciation Cards
So today was Teacher Appreciation Day. I made some cards with my Cheap Talk stamp set, and Oval Alls. At first, I only anticipated making cards for DD's fourth grade teacher and DS's preschool teacher. But then, at the last minute...DD decides she wants to give something to her afterschool tutor. So, her morning teacher received two of three different designs, and everyone else only received 1 of each design. Each one also received a note card with a small note from me, thanking them for all they have done, all their patience (especially with DS), and that we are so happy to have them as part of our lives. I'm not sure of any of DD's teacher's reactions, but DS's teacher started to cry...she said that sometimes she just feels like no one appreciates what she does, that she feels like we, the parents, think of her as only a babysitter. UGH!!! So not what I want her to think! She has to deal with my child, and seven others, every day. She has taught them their colors and shapes, their letters and numbers, the days of the week, the months of the year, the weather, and the Pledge of Allegiance. I have to do something more for her...the last thing I want for the people that I entrust with my babies, is to make them feel like I don't appreciate everything that they do for me.
I hope that you remembered to thank the teachers in your lives. They do such an enormous job, for usually very little compensation, and apparently, not very much thanks.

Paper: Pacific Point, Kiwi Kiss and Good Morning Sunshine DSP
Ink: Summer Sun, Kiwi Kiss and Chocolate Chip
Stamp Set: Cheap Talk
Accessories: Kiwi Kiss-like brads (thanks Mom!)

Paper: Summer Sun, Chocolate Chip, Pacific Point and Good Morning Sunshine DSP
Ink: Pacific Point, Chocolate Chip and Kiwi Kiss
Stamp Set: Cheap Talk
Accessories: Scallop Edge Punch

Paper: Kiwi Kiss, Chocolate Chip and Good Morning Sunshine DSP
Ink: Kiwi Kiss and Chocolate Chip
Stamp Set: Cheap Talk
Accessories: Scallop Oval and Oval Nestabilities, square Chocolate Chip-like brads (thanks, again, Mom!)

Paper: SU! Notecards, Lovely Lilac
Ink: Lovely Lilac
Stamp Set: Oval Alls (from the mini Occassions Catalog)
Accessories: Adhesive Gemstone from Hero Arts

Here are pictures of the two stamp sets that I used, Cheap Talk and Oval Alls. I could not pass up on Cheap Talk and Oval Alls is one of those all-encompassing stamp sets that can help get you through the year.
Friday, May 1, 2009
May = National Scrapbooking Month

May is Here! Holy Cow! Are you Ready? So many days to prepare for: Teacher Appreciation Day, Cinco de Mayo, Mother's Day, Memorial Day...birthdays and graduations, the list goes on!
Stampin'Up! is having some great promotions this month! First, which of course is great - buy 3 packs of DSP or Textured Cardstock, GET ONE FREE!!! *Gasp* YES!! FREE! No Limit!! And Yes, you can mix and match. Second, a stamp set from the new catalog is available - at 20% OFF!! Jumble Alphabet is quite cute and I can see a lot of possibilities with this set. Third, you can become a demonstrator for only $75.00 this month! You will get the scrapbooking starter kit which consists of:
- 113510 Schoolbook Serif Alphabet Stamp Set*
- 113509 Simply Scrappin' Petal Party
- 105240 Whisper White Craft Stampin Pad
- 108697 Earth Elements Assorted Textured Card Stock (12"x12")
*Substitutable for any stamp set up to $43.95 value.
Please note: Each of the products listed above may be substituted for like items. The Scrapbooking Starter Kit also contains all the business supplies contained in the standard Starter Kit:
Getting Started DVD
Getting Started Guide
Guest Invitation Postcard (100)
Idea Book & Catalog (8)
Occasions Mini Catalog (8)
To My Hostess Envelope (10)
Recruit Folders (5)
Recruit Brochures (20)
Hostess Brochure (20)
Hostess Benefits Form (10)
Customer Order Form (50)
Getting Started Guide
Guest Invitation Postcard (100)
Idea Book & Catalog (8)
Occasions Mini Catalog (8)
To My Hostess Envelope (10)
Recruit Folders (5)
Recruit Brochures (20)
Hostess Brochure (20)
Hostess Benefits Form (10)
Customer Order Form (50)
Not a bad deal! If you are interested, contact me directly, or click on the "Order Stampin' Up!" button and click on "Join Now" - my demonstrator code is mybratsmom.
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