"Idle hands are the Devil's workshop"
Heard that one, right?
I am a firm believer that you should always be busy with something. As a mother, there is always something to do. Cleaning. Laundry (that's cleaning). Cooking (leads to cleaning). Planning. Budgeting. Ironing. Reading (mostly recipes and ads). Chasing. Driving. Learning (Fractions??? Googled.) Working. Reading (David Gets in Trouble is great!!). Building (Do you remember your Legos coming with instructions?? I don't!).
But in the meantime, I may find a few minutes to myself. Not much. But a couple of minutes, sometimes more.
I took up card making and rubber stamping to branch out socially. I need friends to fall back on. Other women, other moms, who know what it's like to get so frustrated you can't sleep anymore. Someone else who cries at sock commercials. Someone else who knows what it's like to step on Legos at o'dark thirty and not being able to scream because you don't want to wake them up. But, card making is expensive. Not really good for something trying to get Financial Peace.
I started crocheting because it's quiet. It's productive. And it's something I can do on my own. Plus, you only have to buy a few hooks, a bag of stitch markers, and a ball of yarn a week. As long as you aren't buying hand painted, beautifully soft yarn, it's fairly economical. But, like card making, it's bad for your arms, wrists, and fingers. In other words, "It's PAINFUL for Hand/Arm Gimps." Which, I am a reluctant member of...
So while on a trip to my local craft shop for the Kids Make It Free project, I saw the most beautiful necklace hanging from a hook. "What is that?" I can feel my brain tingling with anticipation. "I want that." The sleek satin ribbon. The shiny silver wire. The smooth, cool, dark gray pearls. The shiny black acrylic rose with the pearl in the center. The soft organza flowers with the crystals in the center. All hand-made. Which means I could make it mine with a simple color change here, a twist in the charms there. My brain screamed "I can DO this!"
I went crazy. I grabbed some chains. I grabbed some charms. I grabbed some claws. I grabbed a magazine. I threw it all on the counter, the girl rang it up, and I slid the remainder of my gift card and a chunk of my blow money, and LEFT.
I did not feel Buyer's Remorse until this morning. I went through my receipt and groaned. As soon as my husband comes home from work, I will be taking the stuff back. I did note, from the ad for that same store, that some of the stuff I bought is on sale. But, once again, I'm making excuses for myself.
Not good.
I do budget for myself. Not very much. But more than some other people that I know. A lot less than most people I know. So, I'm not denying myself all fun. Just trying to remember my goals.
And how much less stress I will feel once I have no debt.
So, I'm straightening myself out. And will get back on my path.
Wish me luck!