Hey...it's time to check your Couponizer and see if you have enough coupons in your stash. I found some links to order some nice ones that will put a dent in my store bill - hopefully you find them useful, too.
Triaminic - $2.0ff - just go to the bottom of the page, click on "Help" and have the coupon mailed to you. It won't work if you try to print the coupon...and sometimes the Coupon Brick won't work...it's easier this way.
Children's Tylenol - $1.00 off - same thing - go click on "Help" and have it mailed.
Aveeno - $2.0ff any product - uh, it's getting repetitive...
Tide To Go - $1.00 off - I love this stuff...
That's enough for now...I still have to get up in the morning!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A Great Posting I Just Had to Have - Sack Lunches
I try to spend my time on the internet resourcefully. Basically, I try to use my time to make stuff, find great deals, or make money. Now that I've been introduced to card making and rubber stamping, I search other people's blogs for inspiration and ideas. This evening, I stopped by From Combat Boots to Rubber Stamps and found this little posting:
If you know me, you know I did my time for this country. I may not agree with all that goes on, but I am proud of serving my country and I feel like I still owe a duty to my brothers and sisters who serve and who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Through this post, I hope you learn a little more about me, and hopefully a little bit more about yourself.
The Sack Lunches
I put my carry-on in the luggage compartment and sat down
in my assigned seat. It was going to be a long flight.
I'm glad I have a good book to read. Perhaps I will get a short nap,' I thought.
Just before take-off, a line of soldiers came down the
aisle and filled all the vacant seats, totally surrounding me.
I decided to start a conversation.
'Where are you headed?' I asked the soldier seated nearest to me.
'Chicago - to Great Lakes Base. We'll be there for two weeks
for special training, and then we're being deployed to Iraq . '
After flying for about an hour, an announcement was made
that sack lunches were available for five dollars.
It would be several hours before we reached Chicago,
and I quickly decided a lunch would help pass the time.
As I reached for my wallet, I overheard a soldier ask his buddy
if he planned to buy lunch. 'No, that seems like a lot of money
for just a sack lunch. Probably wouldn't be worth five bucks.
I'll wait till we get to Chicago .' His friend agreed.
I looked around at the other soldiers.
None were buying lunch.
I walked to the back of the plane and handed the flight attendant
a fifty dollar bill. 'Take a lunch to all those soldiers.'
She grabbed my arms and squeezed tightly. Her eyes wet with tears,
she thanked me. 'My son was a soldier in Iraq;
it's almost like you are doing it for him.'
Picking up ten sacks, she headed up the aisle to where the soldiers
were seated. She stopped at my seat and asked,
'Which do you like best - beef or chicken?' 'Chicken,' I replied,
wondering why she asked. She turned and went to the front of the plane,
returning a minute later with a dinner plate from first class.
'This is your thanks.' After we finished eating,
I went again to the back of the plane, heading for the rest room.
A man stopped me. 'I saw what you did.
I want to be part of it. Here, take this.' He handed me twenty-five dollars.
Soon after I returned to my seat, I saw the Flight Captain
coming down the aisle, looking at the aisle numbers as he walked.
I hoped he was not looking for me, but noticed
he was looking at the numbers only on my side
of the plane. When he got to my row he stopped,
smiled, held out his hand, and said, 'I want to shake your hand.'
Quickly unfastening my seatbelt I stood and took the Captain's hand.
With a booming voice he said, 'I was a soldier and I was a military pilot.
Once, someone bought me a lunch. It was an act of kindness
I never forgot.' I was embarrassed when applause was heard
from all of the passengers. Later I walked to the front of the plane
so I could stretch my legs. A man who was seated about six rows
in front of me reached out his hand, wanting to shake mine.
He left another twenty-five dollars in my palm.
When we landed in Chicago I gathered my belongings and
started to deplane. Waiting just inside the airplane door was a man
who stopped me, put something in my shirt pocket, turned,
and walked away without saying a word. Another twenty-five dollars!
Upon entering the terminal, I saw the soldiers gathering
for their trip to the base.
I walked over to them and handed them seventy-five dollars.
'It will take you some time to reach the base.
It will be about time for a sandwich. God Bless You!'
Ten young men left that flight feeling the love and respect of their fellow
travelers. As I walked briskly to my car,
I whispered a prayer for their safe return.
These soldiers were giving their all for our country.
I could only give them a couple of meals.
It seemed so little...
A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life
wrote a blank check made payable to
'The United States of America'
for an amount of
'up to and including my life.'
That is Honor,
and there are way too many people in this country
who no longer understand it.'
If you know me, you know I did my time for this country. I may not agree with all that goes on, but I am proud of serving my country and I feel like I still owe a duty to my brothers and sisters who serve and who have made the ultimate sacrifice.
Through this post, I hope you learn a little more about me, and hopefully a little bit more about yourself.
Holiday Stamp-A-Stack
Saturday I got together with Tina and two other girls for a Holiday Stamp-A-Stack. It was a good time and the kids seemed to enjoy being with Tina's children as well. I look forward to going and being with other women, the card making is an added bonus.
Here are the pictures of the cards I made...I really liked creating them and I also learned how to use the texture tool. Pretty neat. I hope you enjoy them!

Here are the pictures of the cards I made...I really liked creating them and I also learned how to use the texture tool. Pretty neat. I hope you enjoy them!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Financial Peace University
Today at church Pastor James said that they will be starting a new program in January - Financial Peace University!
I am so excited! That is a thirteen week program based on Dave Ramsey's philosophy. It helps teach you what to do with your money and how to become debt free.
I've been following Dave's program through his book The Total Money Makeover since March of this year. I have paid off a small amount of debt, a lot in total (mostly medical), but I have been very careful to not create any more debt. I did fall of the wagon, not too long ago, but I have climbed back on and have been careful in my purchases.
I will start saving to join this new program. I have heard that it costs $100.00. Nothing compared to the knowledge I will gain and the freedom from debt, which, in these recent times, will lead to better health and a considerable amount of less stress.
Just had to share. Of course, I will keep you updated on al f my learnings and my progress.
I am so excited! That is a thirteen week program based on Dave Ramsey's philosophy. It helps teach you what to do with your money and how to become debt free.
I've been following Dave's program through his book The Total Money Makeover since March of this year. I have paid off a small amount of debt, a lot in total (mostly medical), but I have been very careful to not create any more debt. I did fall of the wagon, not too long ago, but I have climbed back on and have been careful in my purchases.
I will start saving to join this new program. I have heard that it costs $100.00. Nothing compared to the knowledge I will gain and the freedom from debt, which, in these recent times, will lead to better health and a considerable amount of less stress.
Just had to share. Of course, I will keep you updated on al f my learnings and my progress.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
All You
I must tell you about my latest new find. All You. It's a magazine sold at Wal*Mart. It's great! It has tons of coupons, recipes, cheap ways to organize, beautify, dress and eat. I love it. It's a lot of everything.

This month's issue is packed with coupons like Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion, Total Cinnamon Crunch, Halls, Cottonelle Toilet Paper, a ton of deals. It also has recipes for the holidays: gingerbread, baked sweet potatoes, and cranberry coolers are just a few. And there is a great article on the importance of self-checks and mammograms, how to install a dimmer switch, and how to create your own holiday crafts.
I like this magazine for a few reasons: (1) it's cheap - $1.99 an issue; it has everything I could ask for (recipes, health and beauty, some stuff for the house, some stuff for my kids); and three - it incorporates realty. Sure, while some of my magazines rave about that $300 name brand purse and those $500 shoes that are soooooooo this season, and I must admit, they are all utterly perfect and cute and I would absolutely love to feel calfskin leather against my calves, or geez, even over my shoulder, I'm a mama on a budget and the only thing I'm feeling on my legs is my gym socks protecting my legs from the chaffing of the pleather my boots are sure to give. Ahhhh...such is life.
But really, there are reviews on what the best eye makeup at the dollar store is, where the best REALISTIC bargains are...and easy recipes for those of YOU who aren't Martha Stewart or Betty Crocker - me, on the other hand, yo soy Betty la Cocinera!
So go, get it at Wal*Mart, or better yet, order it through one of the magazine offers through MyPoints and build up your stash of gift cards - the season of giving is only a few weeks a way and those of us on a budget know best that planning for the future is the best way to stretch your dollars!

This month's issue is packed with coupons like Dove Cream Oil Body Lotion, Total Cinnamon Crunch, Halls, Cottonelle Toilet Paper, a ton of deals. It also has recipes for the holidays: gingerbread, baked sweet potatoes, and cranberry coolers are just a few. And there is a great article on the importance of self-checks and mammograms, how to install a dimmer switch, and how to create your own holiday crafts.
I like this magazine for a few reasons: (1) it's cheap - $1.99 an issue; it has everything I could ask for (recipes, health and beauty, some stuff for the house, some stuff for my kids); and three - it incorporates realty. Sure, while some of my magazines rave about that $300 name brand purse and those $500 shoes that are soooooooo this season, and I must admit, they are all utterly perfect and cute and I would absolutely love to feel calfskin leather against my calves, or geez, even over my shoulder, I'm a mama on a budget and the only thing I'm feeling on my legs is my gym socks protecting my legs from the chaffing of the pleather my boots are sure to give. Ahhhh...such is life.
But really, there are reviews on what the best eye makeup at the dollar store is, where the best REALISTIC bargains are...and easy recipes for those of YOU who aren't Martha Stewart or Betty Crocker - me, on the other hand, yo soy Betty la Cocinera!
So go, get it at Wal*Mart, or better yet, order it through one of the magazine offers through MyPoints and build up your stash of gift cards - the season of giving is only a few weeks a way and those of us on a budget know best that planning for the future is the best way to stretch your dollars!
Total Money Makeover - Update
Since I'm still awake, and obviously not going back to bed, I thought I would update everyone on my progress with becoming DEBT FREE using Dave Ramsey's philosophy and his book, The Total Money Makoever.
First, you should know that I fell off the bandwagon in August. EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!! Not good. Fortunately, I did not cause too much damage but I did use my credit cards and I bought some stupid stuff.
I've also had some recent medical issues which of course have brought in lots of medical bills and there was a family circumstance which forced me to have to get health insurance through my work, which of course brought down my take-home pay as well as force me to have to reach a new deductible in the middle of a year.
All that was a little nerve wracking. But, I've read my book, found another one by Dave Ramsey, and have continued my journey.
I am still on Baby Step 2 - the Debt Snowball. I have managed to pay down my credit cards, and lots of medical bills. The depressing thing is that if I look at how much debt I initially had and where I am now, it's not that far apart. BUT, if I look at how much I paid off, I am quite happy with myself. Quite. So I try to keep that in mind as I pay my bills every payday. And I have started to keep my bank ledger in a notebook, and every payday I write down the balances of all my debt, including medical bills, and I have noticed that this makes a huge difference. I can see things slowly dwindling away and eventually disappearing.
DH is still not on board with me. That's a little disappointing. It says a lot, about where we are but I believe that eventually we will be there. I think I have proven to him that keeping up with the Jones' is no longer an issue with me. I just hope that I can get it through to him before he drags us both into debt. Ah, one hurdle at a time.
First, you should know that I fell off the bandwagon in August. EEEEEEKKKKKKK!!! Not good. Fortunately, I did not cause too much damage but I did use my credit cards and I bought some stupid stuff.
I've also had some recent medical issues which of course have brought in lots of medical bills and there was a family circumstance which forced me to have to get health insurance through my work, which of course brought down my take-home pay as well as force me to have to reach a new deductible in the middle of a year.
All that was a little nerve wracking. But, I've read my book, found another one by Dave Ramsey, and have continued my journey.
I am still on Baby Step 2 - the Debt Snowball. I have managed to pay down my credit cards, and lots of medical bills. The depressing thing is that if I look at how much debt I initially had and where I am now, it's not that far apart. BUT, if I look at how much I paid off, I am quite happy with myself. Quite. So I try to keep that in mind as I pay my bills every payday. And I have started to keep my bank ledger in a notebook, and every payday I write down the balances of all my debt, including medical bills, and I have noticed that this makes a huge difference. I can see things slowly dwindling away and eventually disappearing.
DH is still not on board with me. That's a little disappointing. It says a lot, about where we are but I believe that eventually we will be there. I think I have proven to him that keeping up with the Jones' is no longer an issue with me. I just hope that I can get it through to him before he drags us both into debt. Ah, one hurdle at a time.
Lunch Dates
If you are familiar with who I am, I work a full-time job. Working full-time can be expensive; clothing, beauty, travel expenses, vehicle maintenance, daycare, and meals.
I work for a law office so my attire and appearance must be professional and show care. Especially when you are meeting with clients. I have tried to save money by maintaining my clothing and really paying attention to what I do with them. I don't spend a ton of money on dry cleaning, I use a store brand "dry cleaning" kit that seems to work just fine. My shoes I try to maintain by spraying them with protectant and taking them to a shoe repair place to have the soles re-done or the heals replaced. This saves me a few dollars; good shoes usually cost around $60 or more. Granted, they last for a few years but I have noticed that if I really take care of them they last a long while.
My makeup: well, if you knew me before I got onto the Dave Ramsey bandwagon you know that I was a purse and makeup whore. What does that mean? Every few months I would buy a purse worth half of my paycheck and I would go down to a high end makeup retailer and get a full makeover - and buy everything they used on me. Now that I've read Total Money Makeover? I use the coupons from the Sunday Paper to buy my eye makeup cheap, I get my face powder from eBay and I order kits with items I use from QVC through my MyPoints account so I get points for ordering and then I sell what I don't use on eBay. I can usually sell pieces of a kit and make more money than I spent on the whole thing, plus get the item that I wanted. Not bad, great bargain.
Daycare? Well geez, I can't do anything about that. They have me with my arms behind my back there...
My biggest work-related budget killer? LUNCH. For the most part I try to bring my lunch to work. Sandwiches, leftovers, maybe a can of soup that I bought in bulk. But occassionally I get that itch to go out and will call my girlfriends to see what they are up to. Now, they know I'm on a budget, some are single mothers, there is the girl who is expecting a new baby any day now that just bought a new house, there is one who lives with her boyfriend, and a few others that are married in various financial positions. And they know that if I go out to eat, it has to be cheap. I'm talking dollar menu cheap. But for some reason, we always go out somewhere expensive. Like $9.00 or more expensive.
Like yesterday, I asked a friend to do lunch since we had both realized around the same time that we had no lunch. And I told her "somewhere cheap". Where do we go? A buffet, that turned into $9.00 a piece. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Frustrating. That was my whole lunch/snack budget for the week!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including Saturday and Sunday!!!!!
So, I'm up, at 4:25, writing this post, about how much I spent at lunch, how much it is eating away at me since I did have plans with the kids this weekend and that was going to be my "behavior bribe".
Back to the drawing board. Oh, and as I'm typing I'm packing my lunch...
I work for a law office so my attire and appearance must be professional and show care. Especially when you are meeting with clients. I have tried to save money by maintaining my clothing and really paying attention to what I do with them. I don't spend a ton of money on dry cleaning, I use a store brand "dry cleaning" kit that seems to work just fine. My shoes I try to maintain by spraying them with protectant and taking them to a shoe repair place to have the soles re-done or the heals replaced. This saves me a few dollars; good shoes usually cost around $60 or more. Granted, they last for a few years but I have noticed that if I really take care of them they last a long while.
My makeup: well, if you knew me before I got onto the Dave Ramsey bandwagon you know that I was a purse and makeup whore. What does that mean? Every few months I would buy a purse worth half of my paycheck and I would go down to a high end makeup retailer and get a full makeover - and buy everything they used on me. Now that I've read Total Money Makeover? I use the coupons from the Sunday Paper to buy my eye makeup cheap, I get my face powder from eBay and I order kits with items I use from QVC through my MyPoints account so I get points for ordering and then I sell what I don't use on eBay. I can usually sell pieces of a kit and make more money than I spent on the whole thing, plus get the item that I wanted. Not bad, great bargain.
Daycare? Well geez, I can't do anything about that. They have me with my arms behind my back there...
My biggest work-related budget killer? LUNCH. For the most part I try to bring my lunch to work. Sandwiches, leftovers, maybe a can of soup that I bought in bulk. But occassionally I get that itch to go out and will call my girlfriends to see what they are up to. Now, they know I'm on a budget, some are single mothers, there is the girl who is expecting a new baby any day now that just bought a new house, there is one who lives with her boyfriend, and a few others that are married in various financial positions. And they know that if I go out to eat, it has to be cheap. I'm talking dollar menu cheap. But for some reason, we always go out somewhere expensive. Like $9.00 or more expensive.
Like yesterday, I asked a friend to do lunch since we had both realized around the same time that we had no lunch. And I told her "somewhere cheap". Where do we go? A buffet, that turned into $9.00 a piece. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Frustrating. That was my whole lunch/snack budget for the week!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including Saturday and Sunday!!!!!
So, I'm up, at 4:25, writing this post, about how much I spent at lunch, how much it is eating away at me since I did have plans with the kids this weekend and that was going to be my "behavior bribe".
Back to the drawing board. Oh, and as I'm typing I'm packing my lunch...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Halloween Stampin' Up Event
Last Saturday I got together with Tina and my friend Charmaine to create a few cards and some other paper crafts. I had a good time and learned how to make "sour cream" containers with some card stock, double-sided tape, and a crimper. They are soo cute!! I also love the cards that we made, especially the "Just Jawling" set. Absolutely adorable, but a little "punk". I will have to make sure to add this to my wish list.
My Halloween order came in today (Tina dropped it off at work for me!) and so this weekend, aside from the normal chores, I plan on making some of my own cards to send out for the holiday.
I am also going to start getting back into the groove of posting my deals, both for Rite Aid and Walgreens. I really need to get back in there and start making my money work for me. I am working on the MyPoints program, my Clixsense, and InBox Dollars to hopefully start bringing in some more cash. With the holidays coming, it is going to be needed.
Speaking of, I started my Christmas shopping! I can't tell you what I got, but I can tell you that HALF of the purchase price for the item that I bought went to a great charity. So I am quite happy, a gift and a donation to a place where I know my money will do some good.
Don't forget that you can check out the Couponizer on the side bar. You will be amazed over the amount of money you save once you have your coupons organized and shopping lists made.
Well, I'm off to start the weekend (tonight is cleaning in preparation for the inlaws!) so I hope that you enjoy the items that I created with Tina and Charmaine's help!

My Halloween order came in today (Tina dropped it off at work for me!) and so this weekend, aside from the normal chores, I plan on making some of my own cards to send out for the holiday.
I am also going to start getting back into the groove of posting my deals, both for Rite Aid and Walgreens. I really need to get back in there and start making my money work for me. I am working on the MyPoints program, my Clixsense, and InBox Dollars to hopefully start bringing in some more cash. With the holidays coming, it is going to be needed.
Speaking of, I started my Christmas shopping! I can't tell you what I got, but I can tell you that HALF of the purchase price for the item that I bought went to a great charity. So I am quite happy, a gift and a donation to a place where I know my money will do some good.
Don't forget that you can check out the Couponizer on the side bar. You will be amazed over the amount of money you save once you have your coupons organized and shopping lists made.
Well, I'm off to start the weekend (tonight is cleaning in preparation for the inlaws!) so I hope that you enjoy the items that I created with Tina and Charmaine's help!
Stamp-a-Stack Photos
It's Friday!! Finally! Ugh, it has been a week and I really need a break. My Sister-In-Law and her boyfriend are coming and bringing my niece. Should be interesting because DD loves my niece and I unfortunately have not seen my Sister-In-Law for quite a while.
Here are the photos of the cards I made at the birthday Stamp-A-Stack . I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed making them.

Here are the photos of the cards I made at the birthday Stamp-A-Stack . I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed making them.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Birthday and Halloween Stamp-a-Stack
So, I just realized that I have approximately 8 minutes before this site shuts down on me. But, who knows when I will be able to get back on here...so here goes.
In mid-September (for Tina's birthday) I went to a Birthday Stamp-A-Stack with about 12 other women. IT WAS GREAT. Lots of different types of people, lots of good food, and lots of fun. We made some really cute cards and I totally enjoyed myself. I also won a door prize (a brand new set of stamps)!
Just this past weekend I got together with my girlfriend that eloped recently and went back over to Tina's for a Halloween Event. We only made two different cards, but we also made treat bags of different varieties. Really cute.
After speaking with DH practically NON-STOP since going to the Birthday Stamp-A-Stack, I have convinced him to help fund my newest addiction in the form of BECOMING A DEMONSTRATOR!!! I'm really excited but must save some money. Let us not forget my original intention of becoming DEBT FREE!!! I have revised my budget for crafting purposes and have a small "allowance" to work with on a monthly basis. Which means that I have been selling stuff left and right to earn more money for my projects.
AUGH!!! One minute reminder!! Must go. Will post my photos as soon as possible.
In mid-September (for Tina's birthday) I went to a Birthday Stamp-A-Stack with about 12 other women. IT WAS GREAT. Lots of different types of people, lots of good food, and lots of fun. We made some really cute cards and I totally enjoyed myself. I also won a door prize (a brand new set of stamps)!
Just this past weekend I got together with my girlfriend that eloped recently and went back over to Tina's for a Halloween Event. We only made two different cards, but we also made treat bags of different varieties. Really cute.
After speaking with DH practically NON-STOP since going to the Birthday Stamp-A-Stack, I have convinced him to help fund my newest addiction in the form of BECOMING A DEMONSTRATOR!!! I'm really excited but must save some money. Let us not forget my original intention of becoming DEBT FREE!!! I have revised my budget for crafting purposes and have a small "allowance" to work with on a monthly basis. Which means that I have been selling stuff left and right to earn more money for my projects.
AUGH!!! One minute reminder!! Must go. Will post my photos as soon as possible.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Four Birthdays, a Bachelorette Party and Battleship
I must apologize for not keeping anyone up to date in my world. My one excuse is that I myself am not up to date with it.
I can tell you that I have recently taken part in THREE birthdays, plus my own. First was DD's, she's nine! We had a couple of her girlfriends over, ordered pizza and soda, inflated enough balloons to cover the ceiling of both the living room and the kitchen, and let the living room resonate with the sountrack from Camp Rock. DD had a great time and so did I.
Second birthday: MINE!! I turned 29 this year (can you believe it???)! I know, you probably hate me, because most people think I barely look 22...although that would be a lot harder to explain DD! The kids "bought" me a white gold shaped heart pendant with a pink saphire stone in the center of a small flower, the word "MOM" in script across the width. DH, surprisingly, paid attention to our previous trip to the mall and gave me a pair of white gold and diamond "huggies". I love them! He had his brother come over and watch the kids and he took me to dinner at Red Lobster and then we went to the casino and played a few hands of cards before coming home.
Third birthday? My mother's! Unfortunately, because of the hundreds of miles I did not get to see her but I sent her a birthday card that I had recently made at a Birthday Stamp-A-Stack. My mom is probably the most creative person I know and she has been doing the cardmaking/scrapbooking/rubberstamping thing for YEARS. Now that I have started the Stampin' Up thing, I feel closer to her and I am so happy to finally share a past time with her.
Fourth birthday? DH's!! He's Thirty this year!! He was actually home to celebrate so I took him to dinner. We are trying to get his pick up sponsored by a local auto shop and so my gift to him is a small donation to his "fund".
Let's see, the next item on my list: my first Bachelorete Party!! Yeah, for reals. 29 and it was my first one! A friend at work is getting married and she invited me. I did not know what to expect and was a little apprehensive. But I had a great time. I felt so welcome and a part of everything. We played games at her home, ate and went dancing. I was the second oldest "partier" and was unbelievably tired, surprisingly I made it until midnight! Me, up and moving, not cleaning, out of the house, until midnight. INCREDIBLE. The next morning my sides hurt from laughing so much the night before. A great experience!
Now, the game piece story. Let's just say, Battleship will not be allowed in this house - EVER!! The other day I picked up DS at the daycare and instead of running into me and using his muscle man grip to squeeze my leg, he simply walked over to me with his finger up his nose. Granted, he is just a few weeks shy of being four, but I am trying to impress upon him the importance of not touching his face with his hands. As I signed him out and gathered his papers, he kept putting his finger up his nose. Finally I reached over and grabbed a tissue, bent down to his level and asked that he blow his nose. Then he told me "No - the game is in there." WHAT?!?!?! Panic starts in the depths of my stomach and I feel my throat closing. I hold his tiny face in my hands and try to push the panic down and somehow manage to ask him quietly: "what did you say?" Again, this time looking annoyed, he tells me "I put the game in my nose." I tilt his head back and sure enough, there in my son's nose is this white piece of plastic. (QUIET SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I look around at the teachers and ask them to get me a bulb syringe...but at the time I couldn't remember what it was called and asked for the booger sucker. Way to go, Mom.
I lay DS down on the play room carpet, and start squeezing the syringe to try to remove this white peg from my son's nose. No use. Everytime I put the tip in his nose, DS wrinkles his nose causing this thing to move further back. PANIC! All I can think about is him damaging his sinuses or something horrible. How am I going to get him to a doctor without him sticking his finger up his nose and causing more harm? Worse yet, the pediatric clinic has closed for the day and now I have no choice but to take him to the emergency room and wait the average of eight hours on a week night with one kid who has a foreign object crammed up his left nostril and another one who feels that God has punished her with her brother. Perfect.
Somehow, I remain calm. Credit that to five years in the military and being trained to treat sucking chest wounds and gunshots, not for my baby to have this THING up his nose. I can't reach this plastic thing. I can't move it down. I can't get it out! I'm getting frustrated and panic is starting to occupy my brain. Think, mama, think! DD is holding off the few remaining kids in a corner, tears streaming down her poor little face. I have to do something. And then, like a light bulb, my tweezers pop into my mind. I ask the teachers if they have any tweezers. No. NOW WHAT?!?!?! Wait, I have a pair in my purse. I tell DD to run and grab my purse from the car. She is back in record time. Poor thing probably ran faster than she ever has just for this moment.
I dump my purse, find the tweezers, wipe them down with a wipey, place my left hand on DS's face, and I remove the peg that is supposed to cover a portion of a ship when the other person "fires".
The life of a mother. I have gone through more with my children than I have in my entire life. And if you know me, I have lived through more than five people three times my age.
So, now that I am considering getting something for sleep, something for stress, something for the potential stroke and heart attack that I know my children will cause, I remember to pray and give thanks. Because as much stress as they cause me, they fill my life with love and incredible happiness. 99.98% of the time.
I can tell you that I have recently taken part in THREE birthdays, plus my own. First was DD's, she's nine! We had a couple of her girlfriends over, ordered pizza and soda, inflated enough balloons to cover the ceiling of both the living room and the kitchen, and let the living room resonate with the sountrack from Camp Rock. DD had a great time and so did I.
Second birthday: MINE!! I turned 29 this year (can you believe it???)! I know, you probably hate me, because most people think I barely look 22...although that would be a lot harder to explain DD! The kids "bought" me a white gold shaped heart pendant with a pink saphire stone in the center of a small flower, the word "MOM" in script across the width. DH, surprisingly, paid attention to our previous trip to the mall and gave me a pair of white gold and diamond "huggies". I love them! He had his brother come over and watch the kids and he took me to dinner at Red Lobster and then we went to the casino and played a few hands of cards before coming home.
Third birthday? My mother's! Unfortunately, because of the hundreds of miles I did not get to see her but I sent her a birthday card that I had recently made at a Birthday Stamp-A-Stack. My mom is probably the most creative person I know and she has been doing the cardmaking/scrapbooking/rubberstamping thing for YEARS. Now that I have started the Stampin' Up thing, I feel closer to her and I am so happy to finally share a past time with her.
Fourth birthday? DH's!! He's Thirty this year!! He was actually home to celebrate so I took him to dinner. We are trying to get his pick up sponsored by a local auto shop and so my gift to him is a small donation to his "fund".
Let's see, the next item on my list: my first Bachelorete Party!! Yeah, for reals. 29 and it was my first one! A friend at work is getting married and she invited me. I did not know what to expect and was a little apprehensive. But I had a great time. I felt so welcome and a part of everything. We played games at her home, ate and went dancing. I was the second oldest "partier" and was unbelievably tired, surprisingly I made it until midnight! Me, up and moving, not cleaning, out of the house, until midnight. INCREDIBLE. The next morning my sides hurt from laughing so much the night before. A great experience!
Now, the game piece story. Let's just say, Battleship will not be allowed in this house - EVER!! The other day I picked up DS at the daycare and instead of running into me and using his muscle man grip to squeeze my leg, he simply walked over to me with his finger up his nose. Granted, he is just a few weeks shy of being four, but I am trying to impress upon him the importance of not touching his face with his hands. As I signed him out and gathered his papers, he kept putting his finger up his nose. Finally I reached over and grabbed a tissue, bent down to his level and asked that he blow his nose. Then he told me "No - the game is in there." WHAT?!?!?! Panic starts in the depths of my stomach and I feel my throat closing. I hold his tiny face in my hands and try to push the panic down and somehow manage to ask him quietly: "what did you say?" Again, this time looking annoyed, he tells me "I put the game in my nose." I tilt his head back and sure enough, there in my son's nose is this white piece of plastic. (QUIET SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I look around at the teachers and ask them to get me a bulb syringe...but at the time I couldn't remember what it was called and asked for the booger sucker. Way to go, Mom.
I lay DS down on the play room carpet, and start squeezing the syringe to try to remove this white peg from my son's nose. No use. Everytime I put the tip in his nose, DS wrinkles his nose causing this thing to move further back. PANIC! All I can think about is him damaging his sinuses or something horrible. How am I going to get him to a doctor without him sticking his finger up his nose and causing more harm? Worse yet, the pediatric clinic has closed for the day and now I have no choice but to take him to the emergency room and wait the average of eight hours on a week night with one kid who has a foreign object crammed up his left nostril and another one who feels that God has punished her with her brother. Perfect.
Somehow, I remain calm. Credit that to five years in the military and being trained to treat sucking chest wounds and gunshots, not for my baby to have this THING up his nose. I can't reach this plastic thing. I can't move it down. I can't get it out! I'm getting frustrated and panic is starting to occupy my brain. Think, mama, think! DD is holding off the few remaining kids in a corner, tears streaming down her poor little face. I have to do something. And then, like a light bulb, my tweezers pop into my mind. I ask the teachers if they have any tweezers. No. NOW WHAT?!?!?! Wait, I have a pair in my purse. I tell DD to run and grab my purse from the car. She is back in record time. Poor thing probably ran faster than she ever has just for this moment.
I dump my purse, find the tweezers, wipe them down with a wipey, place my left hand on DS's face, and I remove the peg that is supposed to cover a portion of a ship when the other person "fires".
The life of a mother. I have gone through more with my children than I have in my entire life. And if you know me, I have lived through more than five people three times my age.
So, now that I am considering getting something for sleep, something for stress, something for the potential stroke and heart attack that I know my children will cause, I remember to pray and give thanks. Because as much stress as they cause me, they fill my life with love and incredible happiness. 99.98% of the time.
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